Is It Too Late To Learn Guitar?

NO! It’s never too late to learn how to play the guitar. You can start learning the guitar at any age; from a young age of 5 to a more advanced age of 70, it all depends on what you tell yourself and what category you push yourself into: the “I can” or “I can’t” category.

There’s no particular age where learning process totally stops, except when one is dead, obviously. There are evident advantages that come with learning the guitar as a child or young adult:

But hey! Who says you cannot learn the guitar as an adult? Infact, there are advantages that come with learning the guitar as an adult:

Learning something new requires time, commitment, dedication and so much effort and can be achieved regardless of your age. Learning the guitar is no different; it may seem impossible or difficult when you start, but that’s all there is to the “beginner stage”, it gets easier and better with time, consistent practice and a high level of discipline (child or adult).

You re very capable of learning the guitar no matter your age. Telling yourself “I’m already old” is just an excuse. It’s not too late. It’s never too late.

Whatever age category you fall into, has its advantages. Take full advantage of these advantages and give it your best shot! Goodluck!